SPM has been hard at work completely rewriting the code for the entire game so it runs more smoothly, has many improvements (assets and level mechanics). Home C...
very early stages of the cave design has begun! I think this level is going to be obstacles instead of enemies as there is already something planned for when Al...
As the title says I have moved and gotten internet set up so expect updates to have more engine work (SPM has been hard at work while I moved) and asset work! A...
hhghhgfhfgh trying to make a subtle effect that adds to the illusion of movement. I'm going for "zany comic/anime style" but i dont want it to distract from the...
I'm currently in the process of moving towns so updates may be smaller over the next few weeks while that happens but I will continue to update weekly regardles...
while I'm working on getting the stickers created and posted (for KS backers) and physical copies created (updates on that after the stickers have been posted)...
While I'm working on fulfilling the KS rewards SMP has been working away on the enemy movement and targeting in the game, here's a snippet of the target/homing...
Thank you guys! I'm gonna get my head down and work on those rewards, here are some of the stickers!: Anything over the amount It takes for ks fees, reward fulf...