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Venture Beyond

Dive into our charming cartoon game – a tale told frame by frame, each animated with hand-drawn love and care. · By rorythpsfan


Recent updates

Enemy Targeting and KS update
While I'm working on fulfilling the KS rewards SMP has been working away on the enemy movement and targeting in the game, here's a snippet of the target/homing...
Thank you guys! I'm gonna get my head down and work on those rewards, here are some of the stickers!: Anything over the amount It takes for ks fees, reward fulf...
Box Art! KS 70% funded, Thank you so much!!
Been working on the box art for the game ready to be printed when the KS ends. I'm printing about 20 so i can keep one and SMP can have one. if anyone else is i...
GRANDMAS HOUSE! also, kickstarter update!
inspired by my very own nans curtains and my great aunts computer before she upgraded to a laptop, she kept it though, purely for solitaire hahaha. Kickstarter...
New level design and Kickstarter update!
so I've completely redesigned the forest level, I'm quite happy with how its turned out, needs some touching up, the day/night cycle and random weather but thos...
Kickstarter 34% funded! Thank you all!
Thank you to everyone who has backed so far, I'm genuinely so happy and surprised anyone other than a few of my friends donated! If you dont know what im talkin...
Kickstarter 27% funded already! seriously thank you guys!
Thank you to everyone for backing! I was thinking a few of my friends would throw a few quid on it and thatd be that but I don't recognise some of the backer na...
Thank you kind strangers! also...KICKSTARTER LIVE
...Thank you to the kind person that backed for the first sticker pack! and to the people who have backed for the full release so far, i wasn't expecting that b...

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